Chebaiywa Health Centre
Forward Advantage Foundation supports a medical clinic named Chebaiywa Health Centre located in Kenya.

Life Expectancy
Kenya ranked 154th out of 177 countries for life expectancy and GDP in a 2005 report by the UN. The entire region that surrounds Kenya also ranks low on that list. The situation in Kenya, however, has gotten notably better since this report.
Child mortality has decreased in the last decade. In 2008, the rate was 52 out of every 1,000 live births. In 2014 it had decreased to 39. Rates of deaths in children under the age of five also decreased from 74 out of 1,000 to 52.
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Child mortality.
(per 1,000)
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Mortality in children under age of five.
(per 1,000)
Improvements in Poverty Numbers
Levels of poverty in Kenya have improved significantly in the past decade. Currently, around 35.5% of the country is living in poverty, but in 2005, this number was 43.6%. Poverty in Kenya is nowadays lower than any other country in the Eastern Africa region, and it is still on the decline.
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Child mortality.
(per 1,000)
A major contributor to decline in poverty rates lies in the agriculture sector. Good fortune in weather patterns is a great thing, but it leaves the prosperity Kenya has experienced in a vulnerable place. An unexpected drought could upturn progress made against poverty.
Despite improvements, the World Bank does not believe poverty will be eradicated in Kenya by 2030. Representatives stated that although Kenya’s GDP has been growing yearly, the pace has not been fast enough to eliminate poverty by the above stated year.
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